Monday, October 4, 2010

Canning Fever~

Haven been runing with Canning fever recently after reading Simple Bites.
Didnt know that making jams/jelly can be soooo easy peasy.
The procedure are relatively easy & ingredient easy to find
except for recipe that calls for pectin.

Phoon Huat has it, but they dun call it pectin,
nor is there any instruction for it.
What they have is a small bottle and a chemical name, which i forgot what its called.
When i ask for the instruction to use, they simply told me,
"1kg fruit to 1tbsp", thats all..
I didnt know if it'll work,
i dun wanna have to waste a few punnet of strawberry with that,
considering strawberry isnt exceedingly considered cheap in Sg.

The other more headache problem is the lack of canning supplies in Sg.
Obviously, our major supermarket, NTUC doesn't sells it.
I have check a few baking supplies store,
Pantry Magic sells it, but at a very high price.
I remember getting some jars from Tom & Steffanie before.
Maybe i'm not looking at the right places yet.
But so far, i have seen a small variety only at Sheng siong.
And they are priced from $2.40 onwards for a small 200ml, Bormioli Glass jar.

I wanted to have a hands on the canning process,
hear the lovely "popping" sounds of the can when they seal. hehe
With no pectin on hand, i choose a recipe that can do w/o it.
And the easiest i thought, to start with will be a strawberry jam.

So i tag along with mummy n brother to Sheng siong supermarket.
Searching for the lovely red berries,
began to panick when i see no signs of them...
"Strawberry season over liao meh?"
I remember buying 2 boxes for $10 bucks offer just a few weeks back.
Then in one tiny corner, i saw a small carton of strawberry.
Didnt have much selection,
there was only about 20+ small boxes for me to choose from.
I consider not making them, instead try another fruit.
But then i was so desperate, i just grab 3 boxes.
They cost me close to $12 for 750g of strawberry.
Darling even commented, so expensive to make jam ar...

To be continued~~