After have enjoyed so many many long weekends for the past 3 weeks.
This weekend is definitely slightly weird.. haha..
Personally for me, i feel like i have not worked
on a Friday for like months.
Thats because, i have taken leave from 24nov-2dec
for my holiday with darling to sparkling Korea!
Came back on a wed for half day,
then the following week.
Took leave on 16dec-19dec for a short
getaway to Phuket with crazy TRT members.
had so much crazy fun there, definitely unforgettable!
After i came back, then all the following 2 weeks are long weekend!
haha.. My Dec really pass so fast with so many activities & parties
planned for and cramped into..
A very good Ox year for me.
(I'm a Ox myself, thus i specially love & treasure the Oxen yr)
Since so many stuff have pass,
I shall make a list of the important things i have done in 2009
1. Jan 09
Mum birthday, i cook a 3-course meal for her
& bought her Mont Blanc pen (08 xmas pressie) a Mont Blanc pen pouch
Had reunion dinner for the first time in 754 with granny
and whole family present
2. May 09
Master Ivan gave me a date 26/28 i forget,
but we pass it cos financially, we were hit by SE crisis
Darling took up a course & we flew to HK
on super budget for a research on ingredients for Noodle
1st time staying in hostel
3. July 09
Our 5th yr anniversary
Went to flyer & Dinner at Sweet Indulgences
Sweetie re-created glow-in-the-dark iris for the first time.
My first Project at Eng Neo officially ended!
Handle new project entirely by myself, a Project Manager!!!!
4. August 09
Single handledly planned a surprise bday party
for darling at D'Kranji. He was surprise & very happy!
5. Sept 09
Cat got married, made a 10 commitment card for her
6. Nov 09
Korea trip with darling, beautiful!
7. Dec 09
TRT Phuket trip, craziest!
Sentosa Count down with TRT
Yr ends with me and darling at ABC
Doing 1hr prostration to welcome the new year!!
2009 rocks!
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